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How Do I Make Muffins? Homemade Muffin Recipe


How Do I Make Muffins? Homemade Muffin Recipe

When I decided to write about how do I make muffins, I thought about starting with what a muffin is. According to Google, a muffin is a small domed spongy cake made with eggs and baking powder. It can also be a bread roll made with yeast dough. It is somewhat similar to a cupcake in appearance but is usually less sweet and healthier. Muffins can be both sweet and savory, eaten both as a snack or a quick breakfast. The word has derived from the word Moofin which may be rooted in the low
German muffle meaning “small cake” or the Old French Moflet meaning soft or tender.

Homemade Muffin Recipe | Healthy Muffins
Homemade Muffin Recipe | Healthy Muffins

A muffin differs from a cupcake essentially in its texture though the ingredients required to make both may be similar. A cupcake is what it means; a mini cake. It is supposed to be light and sweet whereas a muffin is denser. All-purpose flour is often replaced by whole wheat flour or oatmeal while making healthy muffins. If you want to know how do I make muffins that serve the sweet tooth in a healthy way, then read on.

The best thing about a homemade muffin recipe is that you can add your choice of flours, nuts and even fruits to it. The best part is that you can play with the ingredients of your choice and teak the same recipe in so many ways. Banana Muffins can be made by keeping it simple with just a dash of vanilla while you can alter the flavor by adding cinnamon or choco chips. You also have the liberty of adding dried or frozen fruits. The combinations can be just about anything; oatmeal and raisins, whole wheat four and nuts, cranberries and orange peel muffins with wheat flour… the list is endless.

Healthy Muffin| Homemade Muffin Recipe
Healthy Muffin| Homemade Muffin Recipe

Let me tell you all the secrets of how do I make muffins. I think of baking all the time and every time my naughty little one refuses to eat something; baking makes its hold on my mind stronger. Just the other day she refused to eat apples and I came up with my Carrot and Apple Muffin Recipe.

Ingredients  for Healthy Muffins

(Makes six muffins)

  • All-purpose flour:            60 grams
  • Whole wheat flour:          40 grams
  • Apple:                              1 medium;  diced into small pieces
  • Carrot:                              1 small; coarsely grated
  • Brown sugar:                    80 grams
  • Salt:                                   A pinch        
  • Cinnamon:                         ½ tsp
  • Eggs:                                  2
  • Oil:                                     ¼ cup
  • Milk:                                  ¼ cup
  • Baking powder:                 1 tsp
  • Vanilla essence:                 ½ tsp
  • Orange Flavouring:            1 drop

Healthy Muffin Recipe| Homemade Muffin
Healthy Muffin Recipe| Homemade Muffin 

Instructions for Homemade Muffin Recipe

  1. Preheat your oven to 180°C.
  2. Prepare the mold with muffin liners or grease and dust it. 
  3. Sieve together the flours, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt.
  4. Add the sugar, oil, eggs, milk, and flavorings. Mix all the ingredients gently till combined. 
  5. Fold the carrots and apples.
  6. Pour the mixture into the mold and bake for 25 to 30 minutes or till done.

Do try out this recipe and let me know how this turns out for you. Also, try your own additions to this homemade muffin recipe and tell me in the comments below.

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